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Award-Winning Secret Chilli Recipe Struggles To Demonstrate Scalability | Dragons’ Den IRL
Ethically Sourced Treats Struggle To Keep Up With Demands | Dragons’ Den IRL
Yo-Yo Dieter’s Healthy Snacks Targeted At The Baby Boomers Generation | Dragons’ Den IRL
Entrepreneur's Blood Test Makes Dragons Squeamish | Dragons' Den IRL
Retired Teacher Pitches Unique Mathematical Instrument | Dragons' Den IRL
Entrepreneurs Can't Tell The Size Of The Market | Dragons' Den IRL
"If You Keep Focusing On What's Not In It, That's What Get's Into People's Head" | Dragons' Den IRL
This Pitch Reminds Barry Of His Former Number One Fear | Dragons' Den IRL
Master Hairdresser Guarantees Hollywood Curls While You SLEEP! | Dragons' Den IRL
Australian Meat Pies Go Against Current Food Trends! | Dragons' Den IRL
The Ember Mat Can Withstand Ultra-High Temperatures | Dragons' Den IRL
"You Have To Find A Way To Make Moms And Dads Pay For It!" | Dragons' Den IRL